Back to 2016 Spring Action Report
US Capitol
The US Capitol has some rennovation as ADAPT comes to town.
ADAPT T-shirts
ADAPT, the nation's leading direct action disability rights organization, gathers in the Nation's Capitol to advance the Disability Integration Act. Dawn Russell from Longmont is a welcome face.
Stephanie Woodward
ADAPT supports Medicaid reform to make the system more efficient and effective and prevent US states, who administer the federal Medicaid program, from forcing people into institutions to balance the state budget.
National Activists discuss strategy
ADAPT holds that implementing real Medicaid reform, which restrains spending while promoting the independence and freedom of people with disabilities, is the most cost-effective use of state public money.
ADAPT arrives in Washington DC
ADAPT proposes expanding community-based services, expanding consumer-directed services, de-medicalizing services, eliminating wasteful bureaucracy and taking advantage of "re-balancing" funding.
Hope sells T-shirts
Nationally, funding for long term services and supports for seniors and people with physical disabilities is institutionally biased with most Medicaid funding going to expensive nursing facilities.
ADAPT works on the street message
ADAPT activists get ready to take the message to the streets of the Capitol.
ADAPT activists prepare for action
ADAPT has a long history of taking action to end the Medicaid bias that traps Americans in expensive institutions.
ADAPT logo
The "little guy" ADAPT logo shows the universal access symbol of a person in a stylized wheelchair breaking chains above their head. ADAPT has been working for equality for 33 years now, at first ADAPT demanded the public transit systems in the US be accessible; now ADAPT is working to end the institutional bias that lockes Americans away from their families and the community.
Daniel Kleinmann
Daniel helps to prepare for the FUN*RUN for Civil Rights on Sunday.
Priya Penner
Sher Stewart prepares for action