For More Information:
Dawn Russell (303) 884-1471
Bruce Darling (585) 370-6690
WHAT: National ADAPT Confronts Sen. Cory Gardner for Refusing to Support the Lives & Liberty of Disabled Americans
WHERE: Federal Building 19th Street Denver, Colorado
WHEN: Wednesday, November 14th, 2018; Happening NOW
National ADAPT Confronts Senator Cory Gardner for Refusing to Cosponsor the Disability Integration Act
11/14/18 Denver, CO – ADAPT activists from Colorado, and from across the nation, are – yet again – condemning Senator Cory Gardner for refusing to support the lives and liberty of Disabled Americans by failing to cosponsor the Disability Integration Act (S. 910). The Disability Integration Act (S.910/HR.2472) is a bipartisan, bicameral legislation that would ensure elderly and Disabled Americans have the option to receive services and supports in the community instead of being forced into unwanted institutionalization. Gardner is the only member of the Colorado delegation that has not signed onto DIA.
“Every member of Congress in Colorado supports our right to live in our own homes in our own homes and communities, except Senator Gardner,” said Dawn Russell, an organizer with Atlantis ADAPT. “It’s unbelievable that our Senator would rather have us arrested than support our most basic freedoms.”
ADAPT activists have been arrested four times in Senator Gardner’s offices both locally and in Washington, D.C. for protesting his inaction on DIA. Since April 2016, ADAPT activists have been relentlessly urging Senator Gardner to co-sponsor the Disability Integration Act. For over two years, he has ignored his Disabled constituents and their families. Refusing to be further ignored, this afternoon ADAPT had an airplane fly around the Federal Building downtown where Senator Gardner’s office is located with a message for the Senator which read “GARDNER SUPPORT S910 DIA FREE OUR PEOPLE!” Later in the evening ADAPT had the message “GARDNER, SUPPORT S.910 DISABILITY INTEGRATION ACT” shining like a bat-signal on the front of the Federal building.
“Although many Americans think that campaigning is over, 2020 is just around the corner. Cory Gardner will be up for reelection, so his campaign season has just begun,” said Rocco Roppolo of Atlantis ADAPT. “For the next two years, Atlantis ADAPT will take every opportunity to remind all Coloradans that Cory Gardner does not care about elderly and Disabled Americans’ inalienable rights to life and liberty. He may try to ignore us, but we’ll talk directly to the voters.”
Learn more about ADAPT’s history and activities at www.adapt.org, on social media with the National ADAPT Facebook and Twitter pages. Also, under the hashtag #ADAPTandRESIST.