Press Release 09/20/18 – ADAPT Confronts Senator Gardner about his Failure to Co-Sponsor the Disability Integration Act


For More Information
Stephanie Woodward: (585) 269-91854
Gregg Beratan: (610) 247-4188
Marilee Adamski-Smith: (715) 204-4152

WHO: National ADAPT
WHAT: Protest Confronting Senator Gardner on his Failure to Co-Sponsor the Disability Integration Act (S.910/HR.2472)
WHERE: Senator Gardner’s DC Office, 354 Russell Senate Office Building
WHEN: Thursday, September 20, 2018 – happening now

National ADAPT Confronts Senator Gardner about his Failure to Co-Sponsor the Disability Integration Act (S.910/HR.2472)

ADAPT activists from Colorado – and across the nation – have traveled to Washington DC to demand that Senator Gardner support the right of Disabled Americans to live in freedom and co-sponsor the Disability Integration Act.

“Disabled Americans are locked up just for existing!” said ADAPT Organizer Anita Cameron. “And it’s particularly insidious for younger disabled people of color who are locked away in institutions at an alarming rate. This injustice must end.” The Disability Integration Act (S.910/HR.2472) is a bipartisan, bicameral legislation that would ensure Disabled Americans have the option to receive services and supports in the community instead of being forced into unwanted institutionalization.

“Senator Gardner is the only member of Colorado’s Congressional delegation who is not a co-sponsor of this legislation,” said ADAPT Organizer Dawn Russell. “We are fortunate that Colorado has the services needed to support disabled refugees from other states who come to our state to live in freedom as part of the Disability Community’s Underground Railroad, but people shouldn’t be forced to leave their families behind in order to be free.”

Since April 2016, ADAPT activists and other disability rights advocates have been relentlessly urging Senator Gardner to co-sponsor the Disability Integration Act. For over two years, he has ignored his Disabled constituents and their families while every other member of the Colorado delegation has signed onto the bill. “Our message should be loud and clear,” said Jacqueline Mitchell of Denver ADAPT. “It is truly un-American to support the status quo that denies Disabled Americans their inalienable rights to Life and Liberty; we demand that Senator Gardner immediately co-sponsor DIA.”

ADAPT’s history, the issues we are fighting for, and our activities can be found at, the National ADAPT Facebook page, and on Twitter under the hashtag #ADAPTandRESIST.