Picture of Chuy, Scott and Barb laughing together
By Jesus “Chuy” Campuzano
Chicago ADAPT
Have you ever met the lady in this picture?
Well if you haven’t, let me just tell you a little bit about her. I was blessed to have met her at the Spring 2017 National ADAPT Action. What an amazing person and inspiring hero. From the first day I met her the little Sparkle in her eye made me think there’s something about her that I want to find out and let me tell you: the little bit I found out about her, the more I consider her my inspiring hero. her name is Barbara Toomer and she has been with ADAPT from the beginning. She has taught so many disability leaders to fight for their rights and never give up.
I remember when I met her at the last National Action I said to myself if I ever have a chance, I want to go back and get to know her even more because she has a story that needs to be told. She has many stories of National ADAPT actions. I am glad and honored to have met her. I remember this past National Action; it was my first time, so yes I was curious. I was asking where we are going, what are we going to do and all she could tell me is: “Just follow me. You’re going to have lots of fun. We’re going to go sightseeing.” LOL!
Right now Barb is in the hospital. I just want to say that I am thankful and honored to have met such an inspiring person who has inspired me to continue to fight for my rights and fight for every person who is disabled and non-disabled.
Barbara, you are in my prayers my dear inspiring hero for disability rights.