The ADAPT Community
- Involve all groups concerned about developing more community services and avoiding unnecessary institutionalization. (IL, DD, Mental Health, Aging, etc.).
- Get data/information on number of people receiving community services, institutional services and waiting lists for each program. Research all funding (Title XIX Medicaid , Title XX Block grant, Voc Rehab, State etc).
- Nursing Facilities
- ICF-MR’s – large and small – public and private
- State Hospitals
- Waivers – number? How large? Who does it serve?
- Personal Care Option – Who does it serve? Hours per week.
- Home Health
- State funded programs
- Outline of a Comprehensive Effectively Working Plan
- What exists today. Programs, number of people served, waiting lists.
- Development of identification process – using community organizations.
- Development of support services (infrastructure) needed to get/keep people out of nursing facilities, ICF-MR’s and other institutions.
- Intensive Service Coordinator
- Simple Intake System
- Waiver and other program development enhancements
- Number of people per year that will transition out of nursing facilities, ICF-MR’s and other institutions
- Number of people per year that will be diverted from nursing facilities, ICF-MR’s and other institutions
- Identification of and recommendations for the elimination of barriers to community placements
- Regulations (Nurse Practice Acts, licensing, etc.)
- Affordable, accessible, integrated housing
- Transportation
- Quality monitoring system based on consumer satisfaction
- Per year funding for implementation of plan