Empower Care Act (MFP) hearing

UPDATED August 30, 2018:

The Empower Care Act (MFP) hearing on September 5th is scheduled to be at 10am in 2123 Rayburn.

Link to hearing notice: https://docs.house.gov/meetings/IF/IF14/20180905/108643/HHRG-115-IF14-20180905-SD001.pdf

Link to the 5 bills being heard: https://energycommerce.house.gov/news/press-release/subhealth-to-review-bills-to-improve-patient-care-reduce-health-care-fraud/


August 29, 2018

The Empower Care Act (MFP) is scheduled to be heard on September 5th (time and location TBA). The hearing will held by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Health Subcommittee. Additionally, there is a Congressional Briefing on MFP scheduled for September 6th from 3:00 – 4:30 Eastern in Rayburn House Office Builidng, Room 2103.

Below is updated information about both the House and Senate Bills. Even though the bill is to be heard on the House side of the “Hill”, it is important for the Senate to hear from us, too. Come to DC if you can, but if you can’t get to DC, please contact your House Members about the hearing and ask them to support HR 5306, Empower Care Act (MFP) by being a co-sponsor and asking the Committee to vote favorably for the bill to move out of committee. Also contact your Senators and ask them to co-sponsor S. 2227 and tell them to help get this bill passed.

Go to local offices, tweet, email, call & repeat! We need to generate a whole lot of enthusiasm behind this legislation.

If your legislators are already supporters, thank them and ask them to reach out to their colleagues.

Thanks so much ADAPT warriors. Let’s push hard and get MFP over the finish line in 2018!


MFP Talking Points

Money Follows the Person (MFP) is a very important, cost effective program that would be reauthorized with bi-partisan support in the bills, below, entitled, “The Empower Care Act”.

S. 2227, Empower Care Act. Sponsors – Portman, Cantwell, Brown, Collins, Casey

HR. 5306, Empower Care Act. Sponsors – Guthrie, Dingell, Meehan, Schakowsky, Pascrell, O’Rourke, Heck, Speier, Adams, Comstock, Long, Engel, Doyle, Roybal-Allard, Tonko, Krishnamoorthi, Shuster, Brat, Rice, Olson, Smith, Meng, Johnson, Maloney, Valadao, Fitzpatrick, Hudson, Clarke, Matsui, Costello

Money Follows the Person, since 2010, has allowed 75,000 individuals with disabilities to leave institutions and regain home and community

In addition to Home and Community-based Services eligibility, the program provides extra support to individuals such as obtaining household goods, paying deposits, obtaining home modifications, etc. The extra support lasts one year to make sure that people are safely and comfortably setteled into their homes and communities. At the end of the first year, individuals continue to receive services from the regular Medicaid home and community program for which they have qulaified.

In most states the program ended in 2017. With little to no support for actually moving out of an institution, violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act, “Olmstead” requirements will increasingly occur.

People with disabilities deserve freedom and a shot at a better life

MFP brings an enhanced Federal Medicaid match rate (FMAP) to participating states

MFP not only has bipartisan support, but it is very popular with Governors, State Medicaid Directors, providers, older Americans and people with disabilities

Because of the importance of this program to the fundamental freedom of Older Americans and people with disabilities and because of the need to comply with the US Supreme Court, “Olmstead” decision, Empower Care Act should be reauthorized for at least 5 years, or made permanent.