Press Release – ADAPT Defends Disabled and Older Americans from AARP


For More Information:

Bruce Darling: (585) 370-6690
Mike Oxford: (785) 224-3865
Priya Penner: (585) 944-3086
Gregg Beratan: (610) 247 4188
Marilee Adamski-Smith: (715) 204-4152

Who: National ADAPT
What: ADAPT Defends Disabled and Older Americans from AARP
Where: American Association of Retired Persons (AARP); 601 E Street, NW, Washington DC
When: Tuesday, May 15, 2018

ADAPT Defends Disabled and Older Americans from AARP

05/15/18 Washington, D.C. – Today, members of the national disability rights organization ADAPT have gone to the headquarters of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), demanding its support for a bill that would enable disabled and older Americans to stay in their own homes and age in place, the disability Integration Act (DIA). The DIA has support from all points along the political spectrum, enjoying cosponsors as politically divergent as Senator Elizabeth Warren (D – MA) and Congressman James Sensenbrenner (R – WI). DIA is also supported by over 700 organizations from across the country.

The DIA would ensure that disabled and older Americans have the choice to live in the community and age in place. “Many American’s spend decades in their homes; they build lives there and raise their families. Their homes are daily reminders of all the love and joy they poured into those lives. No one should be forced out of their home simply because they need long term supports and services,” said ADAPT National Organizer Bruce Darling.

Today, our seniors are more interested in the opportunity to ‘age in place’ choosing community living over life in an institution. AARP acknowledges this fact, having found that “nearly 90 percent of people over age 65 indicate they want to stay in their home as long as possible.” “As a member of AARP, I expect advocacy on policies that help me continue to live at home even as I am getting older. I have no intention of moving out of the home and community I love; I just need the support to live my life,” said ADAPT Member Anita Cameron. “AARP should be there for me, and they aren’t.”

Yet, AARP has not supported the legislation to make this a reality for all. In light of this, ADAPT demands that AARP issue a letter endorsing the Disability Integration Act.

“The lack of concern on the part of AARP is deeply troubling,” said Dawn Russell “The only opponents to the DIA we can conceive of are the insurance providers of the services we need, because our right to liberty costs them money. And as AARP is an insurance provider it is sad to see the organization put its business interests ahead of its members’ interests.”

For decades ADAPT has worked to secure for disabled Americans the same rights and liberties enjoyed by their non-disabled neighbors. Learn more about ADAPT’s history and activities at , on social media with the National ADAPT Facebook and Twitter pages. Also, under the hashtag #ADAPTandRESIST.
